Our Ambitions
Independent Industry Research Organization
To be an independent industry research organization, working in baking and grain foods, that is recognized for innovative collaborative research that delivers valuable outcomes for consumers, businesses and research institutions.
Baking & Grain Foods Industry Growth
To make a significant contribution to the growth of knowledge, expertise, capabilities and innovation that supports the growth and diversification of the baking and grain foods industries.
Better Health Outcomes
To contribute to the multi-disciplined research and the product innovation that will lead to improved health outcomes from the consumption of baking and grain foods.
Sustainability of Australian Foods
To contribute to the multi-disciplined research and practical innovation that will help improve the sustainability of Australian baking and grain foods.
Artisan & Heritage & Grain Foods
To contribute to the knowledge, expertise and capabilities that support the development of artisan and heritage baking and grain foods.
To build collaborative teams of researchers from academic institutions and businesses that can advance and development the industry.
Research into Plant Foods
The nutrient content of legumes has the potential drive innovation in baking and grain products that will support substantial industry growth. To leverage Rosewood Research capabilities into other plant foods sources to drive innovation in baking and grain foods.