Our People

Glenn Blundell
General Manager – Finance & Administration
Glenn has been with Rosewood for over two decades providing invaluable corporate memory and ensuring the organisation has sound financial and administrative functions. He has overseen and steered the organisation through significant operational and strategic change setting up a solid base for the company’s long-term future.
Glenn has a Bachelor of Economics from Macquarie University, as well as a Master of Commerce in Professional Accounting where he was a recipient of the prestigious Raymond Powells Memorial Prize for topping the course.
Glenn is a member of CPA Australia and a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Bill Hazard
Research Director
Our Research Director, Bill Hazard, is an industry veteran with more than thirty years experience as an executive and marketing expert within the leading baking and grain food companies in Australia. Bill has broad experience and expertise in applied research, innovation, product development, consumer research and marketing. He has strongly contributed to the development of the Rosewood Research goals, research directions and the establishment of the Partnership Program with independent research projects and collaboration with universities.
Bill’s academic qualifications include:
Food Science and Technology degree, University of Western Sydney Graduate Diploma Food Science and Technology, University New South Wales.